Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year for Thanksgiving my sister and I can’t make it back home to California so we are cooking for the first time ever. Since we are newbies we have been trying to make the necessary preparations to get ready. One of those preparations is calling my Mom every day to ask her another question so after telling my mom that I was making a pie for the first time she decided to help me out and Face Time with me while we each made a pie so she could talk me through it, I know I have the best mom ever! So as we made the pie I had a feeling it wouldn’t turn out that great but hey, looks aren’t everything! So here is my first failed attempt at a pie, let me tell you it was yummy but not pretty! But an A for effort, right? 

 I have so many things to be thankful for this year, but probably the most important of them all is my little family. We have been so blessed this year with Zeke being born and he has brought so much joy and love into our home. He is the sweetest, most active, funny little man and I am so thankful to be his mom. I am thankful for a husband who works so hard to provide for us and allows me to stay home with our son. He not only works outside of the home but he also always helps me with everything while he is at home as well. I could not have asked for a more wonderful husband, best friend, and partner in crime. I am thankful to have the BEST parents, grandparents, in-laws, and siblings ever. I am grateful to have a brother serving a mission in the Dominican Republic, and to have a sister and brother in law that live close to us and who we get to see often. I am thankful for good friends and family who will never know how much I love and appreciate them. My life is better because of the people that are in it. 

I have so much joy and happiness in my life amongst all the craziness and I wouldn’t want it any other way.  So I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and may your pies all be prettier than mine!

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