Wednesday, October 22, 2014

As of now…

Here is a little recap on the past few months since Zeke has been born. My parents, in laws, both sets of grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins were all able to come visit right after he was born which was so amazing to be supported by so many people. In the few weeks after he was born we had to adjust to not getting much sleep but he was such a happy baby that we didn’t care. 

coming home from the hospital

first family outing

We were able to go home to California and be surrounded by our friends and family as Miguel blessed our sweet boy. It was also Bannon’s graduation from high school and since my whole family hasn’t lived all together for a long time it was so fun to be all together again, spouses and all!  Since Zeke is the first grandchild on my side he is pretty spoiled and it is always fun to go home and see everyone. It is kind of like having babysitters the whole time we are there. We pretty much only see Zeke when he is hungry or ready for bed and sometimes that is a nice break.

Zeke's blessing day

So after California we had a month back in Utah where we enjoyed learning to be parents. We also went and visited my sister and her husband in Idaho for the 4th of July. We went to this tiny little water park called Rexburg Rapids and Zeke loved the lazy river and would have stayed in all day if we had let him. We also got to be there to watch my sister run in the Rexburg Color Run which was so fun and she did so good (even though we doubted her).
Our little hero

Getting ready for fireworks

Little babe loves swimming with Daddy

Color Run

Maddie and Jason after the Color Run

After our trip to Rexburg Zeke and I went back to California to say goodbye to my little brother before he left on his LDS mission to the Dominican Republic for 2 years. This trip was busy to say the least. Bannon is a popular kid, which is probably an understatement, and it was non-stop the whole time I was home. There were probably 10 people in the house at all times even at 3 in the morning. So it was really fun and really hectic and we came home to Utah totally exhausted.

2 days later my parents flew to Utah to help Miguel, Zeke and I move to Idaho. We luckily had the help of my aunts, uncle, cousins, grandparents and parents and we loaded up (to the max) our U-Haul and headed to our new home. We got to our new place and fell in love (we had never seen our townhome, my sister checked it out for us). We got moved in and enjoyed the weekend with my parents, sister and brother in law. We love living close to my sister, since she and I haven’t lived in the same town for the past 7 years it has been really fun. 

We were really unsure of how we would feel living in such a small town but we are actually pleasantly surprised with Idaho. We have already made a lot of friends and living in a small town is really nice. There is never traffic, people are really nice, and there are actually a lot of things to do.

So that pretty much catches us up on the last few months. I feel so blessed to be in a place that we love with my little family. Zeke is growing and changing so much and I love every minute (even the hard ones) of being his mom and Miguel’s wife. Until next time….



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